
Monday, February 16, 2015

Do you know about Pinterest Interests? #pinterest

Last year, Pinterest added a new feature called Interests. Pinterest has categories set up, and you can follow categories that are of Interest to you. Many (but not all) categories have sub-categories within. 

What's so interesting about it? You can find lots of awesome pins and pinners that you may have never found before,  I like the feature, but I have noticed that only about 1/4 of the pinners I follow use Interests.

It's in every Pinners best interest to take advantage of the interest categories. When you go to a category in Interests, you can see other pinners pictures at the top. You could be one of those Pinners if you follow that particular Interest, What does this mean? Pinners have more ways to find YOU on Pinterest!

Here is how you find the Interest categories on a Pinners profile. Click on Following and there will be three tabs.  Interests, Pinners, and Boards. If you want to know what Interests another Pinner follows, or see who they follow, or even what specific boards they follow, you can find all of that under Following on any Pinners profile.

Here is what it looks like....

When you go to another Pinners profile and click on an Interest category that they follow, you can follow it too. You can also follow sub-categories within that Interest category. (if there are any, not all have sub-categories) Sometimes sub-categories have sub-categories within them. So, essentially you could end up following a rabbit hole of awesome categories. (or interests)

Following categories that interest you on Pinterest will change your home feed. You will now see pins of topics of interest to you, as well as pins from pinners you follow or boards you follow. You will begin seeing interesting pins on your home feed, without even following the pinner who pinned it.  It will lead you to pinners that you may otherwise have not known existed.

There is definitely nothing bad about that! That means others will find you too! It will be a great thing once it really catches on.

Every time the page loads, new followers of that category (interest) are featured!
I highly recommend that everyone start using Pinterest Interests, I find it to be helpful in many ways. I use it for finding specific types of recipes, or learning ideas for my children. I also love it for finding out info on a specific subject, like dyslexia. There are endless possibilities to what you could use it for.

To go specifically to Pinterests Interest categories, go here.

While you're at it, follow any or all of my boards too!

Leave me a comment with your profile link, and I will follow you back!

I pin about children's activities, educational ideas for children, Reggio, Montessori, Holidays, Recipes, Gardening, Family, Household tips and tricks, DIY ideas, Photography, crafts, positive parenting solutions,  and much more!

Thanks for reading!

Visit Kristen (Epic Childhood)'s profile on Pinterest.


  1. I never knew about this, but I will check it out! I have been following you on Pinterest for quite some time. You have terrific ideas for play!

    My Pinterest ID is The Brutsman Family. :)

  2. Thank you for sharing this great information! I never knew about pinterest interests and now I do thanks to you!

  3. Thanks for the Pinterest tip. You have some great ideas on your boards!
