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Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Seed trees & water color on canvas

Last week I dyed some pumpkin seeds with food coloring and rubbing alcohol. I got the seeds out today for a little art project! Graham and Parker had a lot of fun with this project. It was challenging for them though. I made one for example and then they made theirs. Basically we put clear glue down on the canvas in the shape of a tree, added the seeds, a little more glue on top the seeds, and then liquid water colors! I gave them paint brushes to move the water colors around and create a pretty background blend. We used turquoise, purple, and magenta liquid water colors. I let them dry outside until dark, them moved them inside t finish drying. I will be hanging them up tomorrow!

Mine is on the left, Parker's in the middle, and Graham's is on the right. I think they turned out really nicely!

Parker, adding some water color

Graham, contemplating his next move

Parker's tree

Graham's tree

I did a little changing up of some things in their room. I swapped out the smaller table that the light panels were on for a larger table. The table we had the light panels on was too small. I had to place the panels on them vertically. I hated them being on their vertically because they couldn't use all of the space on the light panels. With the bigger table, the light panels can be placed horizontally, and all of the space can be utilized. The tables I am using are the lifetime adjustable tables. They are used for preschools as well as for any other use you would need a table for.  I really liked this table because it is adjustable and it is a fraction of the cost of traditional school tables. I wanted a nice large table that they could do any of our learning activities, art projects, playdough, as well as building with their blocks and such. These tables are awesome. They are very sturdy and so nice! I use duct tape to tape the panels and mirrors  securely to the table and voila! It works perfectly!  I have an IKEA pocket organized fastened to the front of the table, filled with some of their small light table accessories. The rest are on the shelving to the left. You can see the tables HERE.

I switched the block play area with the book nook, they love it!! It is working out really well!!

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